Our service charges are based on the number of words in the original manuscript, the difficulty, the nature of the manuscript, and the deadline, as well as any special requests.
The minimum charge is 30 US dollars per case.
Our copyediting rates range from US $0.06-0.11 per English word in the original document excluding the reference section; our translation rates range from US $0.18-0.22 per source word. We will provide you with a free, accurate quote in a few hours once you submit your manuscript to us.
There is a surcharge of 80% or 40% of the total charge for 24- or 48-hour express service.
For paraphrasing of sentences in order to avoid self-plagiarism, the rate is US $0.20 per word in the parts which need to be rewritten.
For an extra 35%, you’ll get free one-time editing within 365 days after an initial manuscript edit is delivered. An extra 60% provides two rounds of free editing for 365 days; and 80% extra buys unlimited free editing for 365 days.
Other editing companies may offer rates significantly lower than ours; however, they accomplish this by using graduate students or editors without a scientific background. This will lead to a poorly edited document with misinterpretation of your work.
Payment to BioMed Proofreading LLC can be made by check, direct bank transfer, PayPal, AliPay, or credit card (We do not store your credit card information; this service is provided by our gateway institute, stripe.com). Full payment instructions and our bank information are included in the invoice. If these payment options are not suitable, we are willing to discuss alternate payment arrangements that might better meet your needs. Your payment is due within 15 days.