Our service charges are based on the number of words in the original English manuscript, the difficulty, the nature and the format of the manuscript, and the deadline, as well as any special request. The minimal charge is 30 US dollars per document. There is a surcharge for express service (100% for 24 hours and 50% for 48 hours). We will provide you with a free, accurate quote once you
send us your manuscript, or provide us with sufficient information about it. An invoice will be sent by e-mail upon receipt of your order. Total charge is due upon receipt of this invoice.
Payment to
BioMed Proofreading can be made by check, euro check,
direct bank transfer, or credit card (Pay
through our secure payment system with
Full payment instructions are included in the invoice. A
receipt will be sent along with your corrected manuscript. If
these payment options are not workable for you, we are willing
to discuss alternate payment arrangements that might better
suit your needs. Please feel free to contact us with
"I am a Ph.D. student in Japan. A post doc in our lab has used your English correction service and recommended your service to me. I would like to submit our article to you for English correction service." - Motomu, Japan.
"None of the authors is English native speaker, therefore we will need English editing service. Beside the improvement of English grammar, expression, syntax and spelling errors, we would also be happy for advices on how to shorten the manuscript and on the content. - Catharina, Germany.